

Goodbye, Godzilla.

By |December 27th, 2020|

I wish whoever said, “May you live in interesting times” was alive today, to get a nice big gulp of his own advice. Fun fact: Does anyone remember it was a leap year? It had 29 days in February, 200 days in March, and five years in November. It can now be confirmed that 2020 was misery’s firehose. Each day we had our choice on the [...]

Blogging vs Blargging

By |November 10th, 2020|

According to the Urban Dictionary, the term “blarg” is one of those unique words that can mean anything you want it to. It reminds me of that well-known meme where a dog is trying to drink out of a high-pressure lawn sprinkler and the caption is "WHARRRRRGARBL." Thus, the word blarg, which can be lengthened with more r's and g's depending on one's level of [...]

Weltschmerz and Schadenfreude: Twin Horsemen of the Apocalypse

By |September 24th, 2020|

There are times when I want to flee into the wilderness to a place with no cell or internet service and stay there. This is one of them. There are also times where I try for a mood lift, maybe by drawing some cartoons skewering tone-deaf politicians. This is not one of them. But what the heck, here’s a cartoon I drew awhile back anyway. [...]

If 2020 was a soufflé…

By |August 4th, 2020|

How's everyone doing? Are you managing to find the nuggets of good stuff hidden in this year's hazardous waste dump? I've picked up my rapidograph pens again and had fun doodling these cartoons, which I give to you in hopes it'll elicit a giggle or two. Please feel free to suggest more "If 2020 was a..." ideas in the comments. Meanwhile, be safe and stay [...]

Morning walks, Port Townsend

By |June 15th, 2020|

Mist, rain, chill, repeat, it’s Juneuary. Mossy roofs, rain gutters leaf-bulged, a smell of drowned earthworms, the slap of agglomerated raindrops under a maple tree, patter like white noise, chuckling drains and scalloped rain-waves on pavement. A ’42 Chevy in a shed, a deep-throated ship’s horn in the Strait. The downwind glide of a seagull under the weight of wing-water, the heavy upwind gull-work of [...]

Even My Outrage Fatigue Has Outrage Fatigue

By |May 29th, 2020|

We all know the basics because we just saw the video. Two security guards who worked together for years get into an altercation on the street: one is a police officer, white, and the other is a man, black. Four officers total, the black man handcuffed and prone, the white officer kneeling on his neck as he begs for air, a crowd begging them to [...]


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