How’s everyone doing? Are you managing to find the nuggets of good stuff hidden in this year’s hazardous waste dump? I’ve picked up my rapidograph pens again and had fun doodling these cartoons, which I give to you in hopes it’ll elicit a giggle or two. Please feel free to suggest more “If 2020 was a…” ideas in the comments. Meanwhile, be safe and stay healthy. ~Love, Karen
*The End (for now)*
Who knew?
How long have you been hiding this talent?
Beautiful work. Thank you and keep it up.
It finally burst out of me yelling stuff, kinda like that scene in Alien.
You had me at “Moby Dickhead”. I laughed so hard the muscles in the back of my head ache. Damn you.
Glad it had the desired effect!
Submit to the New Yorker?
Their standards are pretty high, but if I get on a roll I may try submitting to a few publications.
I agree with Denis Wang’s comment.
Me too, but now I’m gonna need a bigger hat size.
I may not agree with the political puns behind the cartoon, but I still enjoyed your humor as always. We need some humor right now in this world! I pray our country will become more united and less hateful towards one another. No amount of politics could ever stop me from loving you as a sister!
FUSCO! I agree. And we will always be sister-friends.
Actually, I sometimes read a right-leaning humor pub called the Babylon Bee, because good humor cuts across a lotta swampage regardless of politics, no? Humor that skewers what deserves to be skewered (like public figures sometimes) without “punching down” to those who can’t defend themselves is what I strive for. Politicians can clearly defend themselves and are held to a higher standard.
This is freaking hilarious!
I mean I really laughed out loud. This is worthy of a McSweeney’s publication (though they might need a few more.) Please share these with the world!
So glad you liked it! More to come. And McSweeney’s knows who I am, I’ve submitted stuff to them before (and been rejected, but nicely.)
You have a wicked sense of the absurd!!!!!!!!!! Big love. Cate
If you look for the ridiculous you’ll find it. Double-edged sword there.
loved the cartoons…especially the book shelf.
So many more titles–the bookshelf may make a reappearance.
so clever – such style – such talent
wish we were sitting at dinner on the QM2 eating lamb chops and drinking Malbec right now
miss you
OMG if you knew how often I recall those wonderful dinners and conversations and all of our luck at being able to do that before everything closed, you’d be amazed. Then again, you know, so you wouldn’t.
As a Kentuckian, you got Lipless Mitch just right.
Thanks! Caricatures are fun.
I love them, Karen! when did you start cartooning because I don’t remember you cartooning in junior high. Especially the bookcase is a fertile avenue.
I was indeed cartooning in junior high–had a set of characters, a family of miniature wart hogs, in a satirical suspense series called “The London Zoo Affair.” I even wrote a note from them for a friend to wad up and throw on stage at a Rolling Stones concert, (was that you?) and got a call a couple days later. I was so psyched that the Stones wanted to meet me, but it turned out it was just the janitor.